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So the newspaper about Mr. Tatters burning a circus and Chester killing his ventriloquist is set in the April 17, 1917. The newspaper of talking about Vult Ludere’s Puppet shows and people going missing is set in May 1, 1917. The final news of Kiki being contaminated with the cholera disease is set in June 7, 1917. The dates of each newspaper is at the top right of them. So this shows that Mr. Tatters was owned by a Circus, Chester were owned by a ventriloquist (Chest O’ Leary). Next month, both dolls ended up getting grouped up with Kiki, 2 other dolls, and got owned by Vult Ludere. Next month, Kiki ended up getting by the mayor’s daughter. and eventually, Kiki got grouped up with Mr. Tatters and Chester & got owned by Vult Ludere again.
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Hello everyone, i'm Doliyto, it's my first message on Fandom and i wanted to know if there is some news about EWTP 3 !
Someone tell me how do I get bird eyes in the first and second game?
He's broken. Or the spirit has no arm movement.
What do you say about this idea and my Fan-art of Springtrap, Nightmare Foxy, and Phantom Chica.
What do You say ?
I wonder if there will be an EWTP 3, I finished EWTP (too) and I want to see more lol.
Okay, so im interested in solving the easter egg. I know about the blinking lights in the garage that tells the player to go to the "Basement entrance broken light", and ive been investigating the basement and the bedroom before it but cant find anything. If anyone has any ideas or could help that would be great :)
@CarlitoBuster2.0 i have appeared