Emily wants to play Wikia

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Chester is a character that appears as one of the antagonists in the Emily Wants To Play series.


Chester belonged to a ventriloquist named Chester O'Leary. One day, O'Leary died of unknown causes, but was predicted to be a heart attack or stroke. At some point, Chester was grouped with Kiki and Mr. Tatters.

Emily Wants To Play[]

Eventually, all three dolls ended up being owned by a girl named Emily Withers, the girl loved them instantly calling them "her friends". Emily's behavior started to change, causing her parents to feel deeply disturbed. Emily eventually died of an unknown cause and the dolls began to appear in random locations of the house. Emily's parents died while preparing to move out.

Emily Wants To Play Too[]

Based on whiteboards written by Emily that can found around Central Evidence, it is implied that the dolls were taken away to be researched after the events of the first game. After Emily arrives at Central Evidence to reunite with her dolls, they all agree to play games with the Sandwich Delivery Man (the main protagonist of the sequel). In the sequel's trailer, it shows Chester running towards the front office to prepare for a ritual after taking notice of the protagonist's truck. Around 7 PM, Chester is seen performing a ritual on a dead security guard. He panics as he witnesses the protagonist watching him and eventually slams the door on his face, running away. It is unknown how Chester had received these abilities. Eventually at 7 AM, Emily and the dolls set fire to the building as they escape. In the ending cutscene, Chester, Emily and the rest of the dolls are seen facing Vult Ludere in a dark room. He says to Emily that he cannot allow her out anymore and that they are one. Emily lets out a loud scream as the screen fades to black.


When jumpscaring the player in the first game, Chester will smirk and smile with amusement. Chester is playful and evil, often acting like a badly behaved toddler, even though his age is not yet confirmed.

Chester also hates doors and corners, which is told to us by Emily (presumably) in the one o’clock hour in Emily Wants To Play Too.


Emily Wants To Play[]

Chester becomes active at 2 AM, along with Mr. Tatters where the game he likes to play is Tag. To escape Chester, players must run into another room that he is not inside of. The signal of Chester's presence is his high-pitched laughter. The entire basement counts as one room. An easy way to avoid him is always staying as close to any door as possible, that way if he spawns in a room, the player can just walk right in. Chester may also appear in the same room the player runs into, which could result in losing the hour.

Chester and Mr. Tatters may appear at the same time. This is a common way players lose. A quick tip to avoid this is to stay near a door to quickly run into another room before Tatters turns around.

If Chester appears while the player is looking at Kiki, players will have to run to the next room while continuing to look backward. If Chester appears in the basement the player must use the stairs to outrun him. Chester will remain active until 4 AM, leaving with the other dolls while Emily comes out to play.

Chester is faster than the player's running speed. Chester doesn’t turn very fast and has to stop before pursuing the player in the other direction. Although going around furniture slows him down, Chester has high acceleration and will go back to full speed towards the player.

Emily Wants To Play Too[]

Aside from his appearance in the dream sequence, Chester is the first doll seen alive by the sandwich delivery man. Manifesting an occult ritual, the door closes itself on Chester when the player tries to reach him and investigate. He becomes active at 10 PM, if the players engaged him in the Entrance Area. At 11 PM, if the player takes too long maneuvering in the vents and at discovering Emily, he will kill them. At 1 AM, Chester is fully active and begins chasing the player. The whiteboard will say "Chester Marathon! (wait right here)" with a winking face.

Unlike the previous game, Chester can now follow players into different areas and rooms. Taking the perimeter rout around the building will assist in a steady run from Chester. A good method for players is to shut doors behind them to cause Chester to delay his chase, as well as use walls and corners to their advantage. Chester's running speed will be faster and longer during the one o'clock hour.


Emily Wants To Play[]

Chester is a ventriloquist dummy that wears a black business suit. He has short brown hair that is slicked back and blue eyes, along with gray trousers and black shoes. When running, Chester takes bigger steps. When killing the player. Chester will open his mouth with a face of anger. When the player is on the ground, Chester will slightly smile showing his villainous side.

Emily Wants To Play Too[]

Chester now wears a brown business suit. His shoes and trousers are now brown. It is unknown why his suit changed. When killing the player, Chester will lunge his arms out and will scream with his mouth open into the player.


  • While Chester is spawned in, there is a glitch where you can no-clip through a door before it is completely open.
  • He can also be seen in one of the newspapers in the secret room if brightened implying he was also possibly owned by Vult Ludere before or after Chester O’Leary did.
  • Chester may be inspired by Slappy the Dummy from Goosebumps and he may also be possibly inspired by Chucky from the Child's Play franchise due to his laugh.
  • In the trailer for "Emily Wants To Play Too", we are seen in Chester's point of view. Fans thought of this being a reference to a multiplayer game or playing as one of the dolls.
  • In the ending cutscene for Emily Wants To Play Too, Chester can be seen in the background holding Weasl's box.
  • Chester was most likely named after his old ventriloquist, Chester O'Leary, before his death.
  • Along with Kiki, Chester is one of the dolls to have the most owners, Vult Ludere, Chester O' Leary, and Emily.
  • Chester is the shortest character in the game.
  • In the teaser trailer for "Emily Wants To Play Too", Chester is seen in his old design, since the teaser was created before Shawn Hitchcock finished his new model.



Emily Wants to Play (Original)[]

Chester spawning.
Chester going to chase the player.
Chester's jumpscare
Chester despawning.

Emily Wants to Play Too[]

Chester spawning.
Chester's 2nd spawn sound.
Chester's 3rd spawn sound.
Chester's 4th spawn sound.
Chester going to chase the player.
Chester's jumpscare sound.
Chester's 1st despawn sound.
Chester's 2nd despawn sound.
Chester's 3rd despawn sound.