Emily wants to play Wikia

WARNING: This article may contain spoilers!

Emily Withers is the main antagonist of the Emily Wants To Play series.


Emily Wants To Play[]

Emily’s mother Maggie Withers had issues with depression and was advised by her psychiatrist to record tapes that would act as a diary. Maggie discussed the change in her daughter’s behavior after they moved to 905 Sister Street.

The tapes state that Emily got expelled from three different schools as she was kicked from the third school for hurting another child. From that point forward, her parents started keeping her at home. Shortly after that incident, her parents found their daughter talking to strange dolls but saw it as the first positive sign of normal behavior. Her parents had also gotten her a puppy, but the tapes imply that Emily killed the puppy because she didn't like it.

Emily's behavior began to deeply disturb her parents as she started to stare at them in their bedroom while they would sleep. Eventually, they felt they had to move Emily into the basement, but the parents discovered a hole in Emily's old room, which they knew she created, though they did not understand why.

One day, Maggie went to the basement to give Emily some food, but found out she wasn't breathing, nor did she have a pulse. Emily was pronounced dead by her parents as they refused to call the police or tell anybody because they couldn't explain her death. The parents later found the dolls throughout the house in random locations. She knew that they had to leave their home, but they were too late, discovering that the dolls were alive. The dolls were then implied to have killed them.

Emily Wants To Play Too[]

Based on whiteboards written by Emily that can found around Central Evidence, it is implied that the dolls were taken away to be researched after the events of the first game. Emily eventually ran away to Central Evidence to reunite with her dolls, but eventually decided to play games with the Sandwich Delivery Man (the main protagonist of the sequel). Throughout the game, Emily will write on the whiteboards about how much she misses her dolls, how she wanted to play too, "he" (most likely Vult Ludere) is watching her, etc. Eventually at 7 A.M., Emily and the dolls set fire to the building as they escape. In the ending cutscene, Emily and the dolls are seen facing Vult Ludere in a dark room. He says to Emily that he cannot allow her out anymore and that they are one. Emily lets out a loud scream as the screen fades to black.


Emily Wants To Play[]

Emily can be seen throughout the game, (at the beginning, through the window into the master bedroom, crawling on the floor to the basement, and in the basement itself) but does not become an active character until 4 AM.

From the hours of 11 pm - 3 am, the protagonist cannot enter the hole in the floor until they find the secret entrance to the basement. If the protagonist go through the floor first, Emily will instantly jumpscare them.

At 4 AM, Emily will finally become a threat to the protagonist outside the basement as she will come out and play a game of Hide & Seek. The protagonist must find her before the time (75 seconds after 4 AM, 90 seconds after 5 AM) runs out. If the time runs out or if the protagonist switches on a light, Emily will track down and kill the player. This is unavoidable, but the flashlight can be used during her 'Hide And Seek' Game with no consequences. At 6 AM, the protagonist must leave the house immediately as Emily and the dolls will attempt to jumpscare or capture the player if they do not make it out in time.

Emily Wants To Play Too[]

Emily is first seen in the dream sequence waiting for the front door to open. She is an inactive character until the protagonist reaches area 4 of Central Evidence at 10:30 PM. She will charge out of the vent; the protagonist must run away from her until they reach the next hour.

At 6:00 AM, the protagonist must find her three times before 7:00 AM. After the game is completed, Emily and the other dolls will flee the building because they set fire to destroy the evidence. Meanwhile, the protagonist must find a way out before the building collapses.


  • In Emily Wants to Play, if the protagonist finds Emily at the very last second of the 'Hide and seek' portion, Emily will become hostile, though seemingly disappearing before killing the protagonist. Though later, the protagonist will be killed by what seemingly is Emily's jumpscare, but without any visible animation.
  • During Emily Wants to Play, there may be instances where Emily can block Chester from reaching the protagonist.


Emily's Model

Emily's full design

Emily appears as a ghostly pale-skinned little girl with white hair that is braided and tied in the back with hair strands hanging on either side, light-gray eyes with no eyebrows, visibly broken teeth and she is shown to be skinny, but she has wide hips with a big behind.

She wears ripped up clothing and her skin appears to have been burnt with corrosive substances. She crawls around like an animal, on all fours.


  • Emily's attack represents the childhood game Hide and Seek.
  • For some reason, while chasing the player, Emily runs on all fours. It's unknown why or if she used to do this while she was still alive.
  • Going into Emily's room can result in seeing Emily quickly scamper into the hole that leads to the basement.
  • Considering the news report claim that Emily went to a middle school when she hurt someone, it is likely that she was around 11 - 14 years old when she died.
  • In one of the tapes recorded by Maggie Withers (Emily's mother), it states that Emily got Kiki, Chester and Mr. Tatters when they moved in and it says that they were in a box in the basement. It is implied that after her parent's death and her dolls were transferred to the evidence building, where Emily got the other dolls that appear in Emily Wants To Play Too.



Emily Wants to Play (Original)[]

Emily when she got found.
Emily when she got found 2.
Emily's ambience.
Emily's growl.
Emily's jumpscare scream.
Emily's jumpscare scream in-game.

Emily Wants to Play Too[]

