Emily wants to play Wikia

WARNING: This article may contain spoilers!

Greta is a character that first appears as one of the antagonists in Emily Wants To Play Too.


Before the game, Greta was the doll of a little girl living at 781 Hillpark Drive with her parents. One day, the entire house burned down with all the residents inside. Greta was the only object that wasn't destroyed by the fire. She was taken and stored where the analysis shows that she was made of a flame-retardant material and that her eyes were removed before the fire occurred.

Emily Wants To Play Too[]

Greta is first seen roaming around Level 1 in Central Evidence. Throughout the night, she and the other antagonists play games with the Sandwich Delivery Man. At 7 A.M., Emily and the dolls set fire to the building as they escape. It is heavily implied that Greta is the one to have set fire to the building, as one of the whiteboards in Central Evidence will say that "GRETA LOVES FIRE!!!!" In the ending cutscene, Greta, Emily, and the other dolls are seen facing Vult Ludere in a dark room. He says to Emily that he cannot allow her out anymore and that they are one. Emily lets out a loud scream as the screen fades to black.


Greta is first encountered in the Level 1 area at 8 PM. She will continually cry out "mama" while searching for the player. Since Greta's eyes have been removed, she cannot see, making her rely on noises to locate the player. If the player makes any loud noises, such as sprinting or interacting with doors, she will hear the player and run in the direction of the noise. If she catches the player, she will immediately jumpscare them.


Greta resembles a large baby doll, although with several black markings on her due to suffering fire damage. Parts of her face and body have also warped and melted. On her right foot, the name "Greta" is written. She seems to have a voice box that allows her to say "mama" over and over again. Her eyes were removed before the fire, although her model makes it look like she has completely black eyes in some cases. These could also just be burned eyelids. She wears a black dress that is burned and tattered, and she is barefoot.


  • Greta is the second female doll after Kiki.
  • Greta's behavior may be based on Marco-Polo as she has to rely on sound instead of sight to find the player.
  • Greta's original design consisted of her having brown eyes.
  • The last sentence of the second report about Greta might be warning the player about her game's mechanics: "It was put back very quietly".
  • It is strongly assumed that the doll has some sort of attraction to fire due to the in-game message "GRETA LOVES FIRE!!!!", suggesting that she is likely the perpetrator behind the incident.

